Parasites in the body

Ein weltweites Gesundheitsproblem

Autor:Jan Wellermann Jan Wellermann (Medical journalist)
Last updated:01.09.2021

Dear reader,

Parasites in the human body have become a real widespread disease advanced [1]. This was described in detail and scientifically proven in our large meta-study .

Widespread disease of parasites: The largest meta-study worldwide on the subject of “Parasites in humans

Parasites in the body – the fact check:

  • In a study from 2016, the Robert Koch Institute showed that in Germany 60% of the population with the single-cell parasite Toxoplasma Gondii are infected [2].
  • In 2013, the researchers Volinski and Gubarev from Cornell University proposed that almost all people worldwide carry the endoparasite Funis vermis [3].
    “Most humans are likely hosting these helminths.”
    – Prof. Alexander Volinksi, Ph.D.
  • This view of the Russian scientists is confirmed by a growing number of researchers, doctors and therapists. Among them well-known doctors like Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt [4], Dr . Joachim Mutter [5], Dr . Andreas Kalcker [6] and Dr . Marco Ruggerio [7].
  • Dr. Raj Banerjee , director of the Regenerative Health Medicine Institute of St. Louis, examines all of his patients for liver fluke. In over 90% of the cases the result is positive [8]. He speaks of one of the greatest epidemics in human history [9].
  • In the reference work “Parasitology – with special consideration of human pathogenic forms” from 1988 196 different parasite genera in humans are described [10]
Many doctors have shown in their research that there are some genera of parasites that already exist in most people.

Based on these facts, it is reasonable to assume that the majority of humanity is parasitic .

In this article, the author Waldemar Masur deals with the subject of “ Parasites in the body ” in depth. Using well-founded scientific methodology, he clarifies the following questions:

Befall: These organs can be affected
Pathogenicity : What impact do parasites have on the body?
Symptoms : How do you recognize whether you are suffering from parasites?
worms & Co. : The most common parasites of humans
Fight : remove parasites from the body

Leaky Gut: Parasites infect all organs –
An exclusive information video from the Swiss Parasite Free Association –
Look at you here the entire Parasite Academy free of charge.

A hint: If you are particularly interested in a topic, click on the exclamation mark for more information.

Systemic parasite infestation: These organs are preferentially colonized by parasites

When the term “parasites” is mentioned, most people associate it with worms in the intestine . However, in only 30% of all endoparasites (parasites in the body) are worms or flukes . The remaining 70% are microparasites [11] and not all parasites are in the gut. They can colonize any human organ . When the entire organ system is infiltrated, this is called systemic infestation .

Parasites can live in all organs of the body

Experience has shown that in most people several organs are parasitically loaded in parallel. In addition to the intestine, this also often affects the liver and the brain.

With the help of our free parasite test , a evaluation of your own symptom complex can be used to obtain a quick and uncomplicated assessment about which parasites are in which organs of the Living the body invasively :

Free of charge as it is funded by donations

Parasites in the intestines

Since infection with parasites runs via the digestive tract in the predominant number of cases, the intestine is usually the gateway for the new unfamiliar roommates. They thrive in their new biotope, because the intestines of an average person in western latitudes represent a real paradise for parasites .

You can find specific information on this here.

We already have this topic in our technical article „Parasites in the intestines“ dealt with in detail. The article represents the most in-depth analysis on the subject of intestinal parasites in German-speaking countries. If there is any suspicion of these parasites in the intestines, we recommend reading this essay.

How parasites travel from the intestines to other organs in the body

A healthy intestine has an intact intestinal wall . This represents a barrier for pathogenic germs so that they cannot get into other internal organs of the body. The intestinal wall can be damaged by various environmental factors, which is known in medicine as Leaky Gut Syndrome referred to as.

Parasites now enter the bloodstream through the holey intestinal wall and can infect other organs.

Surprisingly, parasites are rarely found in stool (exception: Pinworms). Worms, protozoa and flukes live in most cases in the depths of the intestine and it would be no advantage for them to be excreted with the stool. Only the eggs of the worms are placed cyclically in the stool for the purpose of spreading.

More information on this and what parasites are rarely diagnosed by stool analysis is available in our specialist article “Worms in the intestine” .

The treatment of intestinal parasites should be well planned . Because biofilm in the intestine protect This is against medicines and the immune system. This in turn makes diversion more difficult and requires special measures . The Swiss Parasite Free Association explains what these are and how they are used in a specialist article :

Parasites in the brain

Parasites in the brain represent a real pandemic . 60% of the German-speaking population are already infected with the brain parasite Toxoplasma Gondii infected, which usually has serious consequences.

Parasites in the brain: why 60% of people are affected –
An exclusive information video from the Swiss Parasite Free Association –
Look at you hier the entire Parasite Academy free of charge.

Symptoms of parasites in the brain can include:

  • Mood swings
  • Depression / Depressive mood
  • Inexplicable dejection
  • Inner restlessness
  • A nagging feeling of dissatisfaction
  • Stress and Nervousness
  • Irritability , up to aggressiveness
  • Illogical anxiety states , up to panic attacks
  • Lack of emotion , no access to one’s own feelings
  • Memory problems , poor memory retention
  • Low attention span
  • Voices in the head
  • and much more

In addition, parasites in the brain are able to influence the host’s feelings and thoughts . We have explained this influence in detail in our Technical article on “Brain Parasites“.

The treatment of brain parasites takes place as part of a holistic parasite cure.

The quickest way to determine whether there might be parasites in the brain is to use our free parasite test:

Parasites that live under the skin

Parasites that live on the skin are called ectoparasites (examples: fleas, lice, ticks). However, there are also endoparasites (parasites in the body) that live under the skin of humans. They can be roughly divided into western and tropical skin parasites.

The best-known skin parasite from tropical countries is the nematode Loaloa . The transmission takes place through mosquitoes . An infestation is accompanied by severe itching and inflammation of the skin . If such symptoms occur in the tropics, a tropical medicine should be consulted. This video shows the effects of the Loaloa parasite:

However, we are confronted with western skin parasites more often, above all Morgellons. This new type of parasitic life form (described for the first time in 2002) lives in the human body, can damage the skin and grow out of it .

Symptoms of Morgellons can include:

  • (Severe) Itching
  • Mental impairments (e.g. Depression )
  • Cravings for sweets
  • Brain Fog
  • Exhaustion and tiredness
  • Digestive problems
  • Feelings of fear (possibly also panic)
  • If necessary Inflammation of the skin or even skin lesions
  • Possibly the feeling that something is moving under the skin
  • Can be associated with skin diseases
  • In pronounced cases threads can be visible under or in the skin or grow through it
  • In the last phase there are skin changes

Affected people are often not taken first and misdiagnosed . As a result, the Swiss Parasite Free Association has the Technical article: „Morgellons: delusion or physical illness“ composed. This describes how it can be recognized without a doubt whether Morgellons disease is present and how it can be treated .
Die infection and transmission of parasites takes place via different variants . We have a detailed explanation regarding the routes of infection and the corresponding protective measures in our Technical article „Parasiten: Transmission and Contagion“ summarized.

Parasites in the liver

Dr. Raj Bannerjee and other parasite experts have already recognized that liver fluke has become a true epidemic in the last 10 years. The tricky thing is that they cause only few and unspecific symptoms over a long period of time.

Folgende zählen dazu:

  • Severe tiredness
  • Dark urine
  • Abdominal pain
  • Increase in waist size

In addition, they are often overlooked , as they can neither be diagnosed by blood test nor by stool sample .

These parasites feed on the abundant liver by sucking blood from its wall . This process is documented in the following video :

With their toxic excretions , liver parasites gradually poison the body, which can result in inflammation .

If left untreated, the leeches can even cause liver cysts .

additional Information can cause parasites in the liver here can be retrieved.

An assessment of whether there might be parasites in the liver can be obtained quickly and free of charge using our parasite test :

Parasites in the heart

Heart parasites were only discovered in humans in 1967 because the unicellular organisms are masters of camouflage .

At the time, doctors were puzzled. A growing number of patients have died of heart failure . After the onset of death, the victims’ hearts were examined. But without success. The cause of death could not be determined .
Mark Braimbridge, chief cardiac surgeon at St. Thomas Hospital in London, had a spectacular idea:

He took a tissue sample from the beating heart of a patient diagnosed with idiopathic heart failure .

Microparasites were found in the tissue.

Further biopsies on the beating heart were performed with the same result: Heart parasites!

But why were the parasites not found during an autopsy?

After the patient died, the microbes degenerated into a mucosal state. Their DNA decomposed and was therefore no longer identifiable.

The scientists unanimously concluded that a large number of other diseases called “idiopathic” must also be of parasitic origin .

But humans do not only harbor single-cell parasites in their hearts. Other parasites such as leeches or tapeworms enter the bloodstream via the intestines and can live in the heart . As a result, they inevitably cause functional limitations in this organ.

Heart parasites can exist in the heart for many years and decades and suddenly cause idiopathic heart disease . For this reason, among other things, we recommend a preventive approach within the framework of the association Parasitenkur.

All sources and further information on “heart parasites” are here to call.

Parasites in the lungs

Lung fluids are less common than leeches in the liver, but they are still common in humans. They cause unspecific symptoms in the respiratory tract . These can include:

  • Mucus (e.g. throat, nose, sinuses)
  • Breathing problems (e.g. difficult breathing, shallow breathing)
  • chronic cough
  • sputum when coughing
  • Recurrent bronchitis
  • Asthma
  • Migraines
  • Chest pain

The transmission of lung fluids mainly takes place from person to person .

An expert assessment of whether there is a possible exposure to lung parasites can be obtained quickly and free of charge using our parasite test :

Parasites in the vulva / vagina

Parasites can also be found in the genital area and in the urine . In addition, we received an impressive report from Sandra L. (43). As part of a Parasitenkur she excreted parasites from the vagina:

Also a Pinworm infestation kann from the anus to the vagina .

The transmission of parasites in the vagina takes place from person to person , as eliminator or via sexual intercourse .

Parasites in the eye

Parasites nestle in the eye very rarely . In principle, however, there is this possibility. There are two transmission paths :

1. Via tap water
The water from our tap is on parasitically loaded . If a few drops of the water come into contact with contact lenses , they can be contaminated.

Evidence: How parasites get into drinking water … –
An exclusive information video from the Swiss Parasite Free Association –
Look at you here the entire Parasite Academy free of charge.

Parasite eggs that get into the eye and hatch there can have serious health consequences and even pose a danger to the eyesight :

2. About insects
Insects can be carriers of parasites. Another potential danger to eye health is from flies , which settle on the eye after they have come into contact with contaminated feces .

3. About pets
Reddened or inflamed eyes can be a sign of micro-parasites in the eye : eye mites . They lay their eggs on their eyelashes and are extremely persistent . [13]

Symptoms are: itching under the eye, a foreign body sensation and eye and eyelid inflammation . In the advanced stage, the eyelashes can curl . [14]

Contagion occurs through close contact with animals , mostly dogs . Like all parasites, eye mites are particularly active at night. It is therefore advisable to not take the dog to bed with you. [15]

Parasites in the mouth

Parasites can also nestle in the mouth . In the tonsils (almonds), for example, they can cause inflammation . One symptom can be strong bad breath . Doctors repeatedly report that they remove worms from a patient’s tonsils . As in this example:

The vocal cords can also be infected by parasites. If a parasite is on the vocal cord, it can affect the voice . We keep getting back Reports of graduates one Parasitenkur, who mention, among other things, that their voice is noticeably clear and sounds better after the course .

Parasites in the stomach / abdomen

The stomach has a special function in the defense against microbes such as parasites. Its acidic environment kills pathogens before they reach the small intestine.

In order to be able to spread optimally in the human body, it is of great relevance for the parasites to survive the gastric juices undamaged . To do this, they have developed various options .

1. You can use their eggs cover in calcareous bodies, those who Neutralize stomach acid . It is only when they are digested in the stomach that the parasites are released.

2. Reducing stomach acid. This gives parasites better chances of survival . In addition, there is a increased microbial load , since bacteria and viruses can pass through the stomach in greater numbers.

Parasites are sometimes also a trigger for abdominal pain . However, this does not result from their activities in the stomach, but in the small intestine .

Parasites on the scalp / hair

Mites, lice or fleas can also colonize the scalp or settle in the hair . In contrast to endoparasites, only a few people are affected by these ectoparasites.

Itch mites and head lice colonize human skin permanently. Fleas, on the other hand, are only temporarily on the human skin and leave the body on their own.

Symptoms of scabies (scabies)

  • Severe itching (especially at night)
  • Skin symptoms in the form of redness, papules and vesicles
  • Gait-like structures on the hands

Symptoms of lice

  • partially completely symptom-free
  • moderate to severe itching of the scalp
  • white sticky “flakes” in the hair
  • Skin symptoms in the form of papules possible
  • Rarely Eczema
  • Doctor finds living louse or nits on the scalp / in the hair

External parasites can also affect the face , especially the eyebrows [12].

Parasites in the pancreas

Like all other organs, parasites can also burden the pancreas . There they are able to reduce the secretion of digestive enzymes , which means that the food can be used less well by the small intestine.

Parasites in the tissues of the pancreas

They also intervene in the insulin metabolism . The blood sugar level rises and parasites can fall back on larger amounts of their preferred food. Pancreatic parasites are considered to be a major risk factor for pancreatic cancer and diabetes .

Parasites in the ear

ear mites can settle in the human ear. The infection usually takes place via the Contact with pets.

The symptoms

  • Dark crusts (possibly with small white dots) in the auricle and in the external auditory canal
  • Inflammation in the ear
  • If necessary Transition to the skin

If ear mites occur, an ENT doctor should be consulted.

Parasites in the nose

Parasites from the lungs and mouth can get into the nose . We keep getting feedback that he’s got a Parasitenkur Parasites are excreted through the nose.

Further information can be found in the field report by Kevin K. (28):

Parasites in the blood

By the Leaky Gut Syndrome Parasites can enter human blood via the intestines . From there it is possible for them to attack all organs .

Detecting parasites in the blood is only possible using so-called dark field microscopy .

A worm in the blood - made visible by dark field analysis

In order to be certain which organs could be parasitic , we recommend the parasite test linked here. This is free of charge and provides a fast and reliable assessment.

Recognizing parasites in the body: the symptoms of a parasite infestation

The Parasitentest as a parameter for determining the degree of parasitic load in the body we have already presented.

The test is based on secured, scientific knowledge , as well as the extensive experience of our medical professionals and was developed in close cooperation with programmers .

Like all of our services, the parasite test is free of charge for the user. The development and operating costs are funded by donations.

Parasites: all symptoms at a glance –
An exclusive information video from the Swiss Parasite Free Association –
Look at you here the entire Parasite Academy free of charge.

Another possibility is the diagnosis by a doctor , which is, however, very error-prone . We have more information on this here released.

Also based on the common symptoms a parasite infestation can be deduced. The 10 most common symptoms are:

The symptoms of a parasite infestation are explained in detail and based on evidence in our essay : „Parasites: symptoms in humans.

The 5 most common parasites in humans

Based on our experience, we have a clear picture of which parasites are frequently identified in the human body. The following list is intended to provide an overview.

Rope worm - the most common parasite in the human body

1. Rope worm (funis vermis)

Current research shows that most people carry the rope worm within them.

2. Toxoplasma Gondii

The Robert Koch Institute has stated that 60% of the western population are hosts of the “brain parasite” Toxoplasma Gondii.

Toxoplasma Gondii: Pulling the cord in the human brain –
An exclusive information video from the Swiss Parasite Free Association –
Look at you here the entire Parasite Academy free of charge.

3. Liver fluke

Researchers like Dr. Raj Bannerjee found in their clinical studies that parasites in the liver are a common health problem .

4. Tapeworm

Many people , especially women, suffer from tapeworms – mostly unnoticed. The worms eat nutrients from the pulp, which they withhold from the host and usually only cause unspecific symptoms.

5. Pinworms

Since pinworms are the only obvious worms in humans , they are best known. However, significantly fewer people suffer from pinworms than from the other parasite species listed.

There are more examples and pictures of typical parasites in humans here to find.

Remove parasites in the body

Parasites can cause massive damage to the body. The healing the killing of these parasites can affect the entire organism.

Before reading any further, I recommend watching the following video . This is how you can adequately assess the usefulness of a treatment for parasites :

Many more testimonials can be found here:

We have the most effective remedies against parasites in humans here listed.

We have what a therapy against parasites looks like here described.

We have all the information on how to remove parasites from the body here summarized.

Whether home remedies or medication (tablets from the doctor) can work better against parasites here can be read.

Awake, happy, free - many people feel these emotions after they have rid themselves of parasites

Killing parasites in the body can be an efficient way to improve your own immune system quickly and sustainably.

Parasites modulate the immune system and enable viruses and bacteria to spread . Parasites change the milieu in the intestine. The seat of the immune system is consequently affected.

«Parasites reduce the function of the immune system. Especially in the headquarters - the intestines. The immune system protects us, more often than we think, from the onset of diseases like cancer.»
- Dr. Raphael D'Angelo
The gut is the seat of the immune system

In 2011, the world of medical microbiology was shaken by an article in the Futurity Journal by Susan Lang-Cornell. In her publication, she recited years of research by immunology professor Eric Denkers:

Rapidly multiplying and correspondingly widespread parasites are able to “hack” the host’s immune cells . There is a manipulation at the molecular level that downregulates the entire immune system.

«Parasites are able to regulate the immune system down immediately.»
- Dr. Dr. Shayne Morris
Parasites hack immune cells

Researcher and immunologist Barbara Butcher exposed bacterial factors to immune cells infected with the microparasite Toxoplasma Gondii in the laboratory.

Normally these cells would stimulate cytokines to activate the immune system . However, the infected cells didn’t do so.

A single cell parasite turns off the immune system. Other pathogens, such as viruses, have an easy job.

At least 60% of the German-speaking population are carriers of the T.G..

«We found that Toxoplasma calms the host's alarm system by preventing immune cells from producing certain cytokines.»
- Prof. Eric Denkers
A strong immune system can prevent serious or even fatal illnesses from breaking out

In fact, the elimination of parasites is the fastest and most effective way to immediately and sustainably strengthen the immune system.

The clinical feedback that we regularly receive shows that all of these scientific publications are not mere theory .

Renate W. (42) tells how her immune system improved significantly through a parasite cure:

The elimination of parasites from the body succeeds with the help of a holistic parasite cure . You can find out how this is designed and what you have to pay attention to in our specialist article “Parasite Cure: The Ultimate Guide”:

FAQ: Parasites in the body

The most frequent questions on the subject of “Parasites in the body” answered briefly and concisely:

These are living beings that derive unilateral benefit from living together with humans, feed on humans, attack humans for reproductive purposes, damage </ strong human health > and cause disease by impairing organ functions, destroying cells and depriving it of nutrients .

Parasites can include worms, leeches and protozoa.

Often not at all . They mostly only trigger unspecific symptoms . I therefore recommend taking a closer look at the symptom complex . The Parasitentest of the Swiss Parasite Free Association.

The only way to completely remove parasites from your body is one Parasitenkur.

There are people who have a parasitic attitude . We provide further information here to disposal.

In addition to parasites, there are also many symbionts living in the body. These include the beneficial intestinal bacteria . More information about this can be found here can be obtained.

Parasites can injure the mucous membrane and suck out blood . However, this mainly happens in the small intestine and the injuries are too minor to cause major bleeding. The extracted blood remains in the parasite.

Here a video can be called up in which it is shown how parasites, soaked with blood , are excreted.

Most parasites are not immediately fatal on the human organism. The successive wasting of the body, however, promotes the occurrence of diseases, which in turn can be dangerous for humans.

Further information will be provided here given.

opportunity 1: Based on Symptome.

opportunity 2: The examination by with a specialized doctor .

opportunity 3: By expert assessment via the fast and free Parasitentest  of the Swiss Parasite Free Association.

Yes there is. Further facts and pictures on “Parasites under the skin” can be found here.

Humans are not only good, but the best host for parasites . How this is justified is here set out.

Yes, that is possible. Often times, however, the anti-parasite drugs cause rashes. More information and pictures are available here.

Blood tests can provide an indication of parasites in the body. This is particularly indicated by the increase in eosinophils and neutrophils .

Yes, you can use dark field microscopy .

2. Robert Koch-Insitut „RKI-Ärzteratgeber Toxoplasmose“ 12. Dezember 2016
3. Alex A. Volinsky, Nikolai V. Gubarev, Galina M. Orlovskaya, Elena V. Marchenko, Development stages of the „rope“ human intestinal parasite, Cornell University, 2013
4. Schall-DVD nach Dr. Klinghardt: Adjuvante Therapie Rope Worm Biofilm
5. Chronic Infections Congress: Interview Dr. Mutter
6. Dr. Kalcker: „Health forbidden!“
7. Spirit Health Kongress 2018 Berlin: Vortrag Dr. Ruggerio
8. Health Talks, Parasite Summit 2017: Interview Dr. Raj Bannerjee
9. Health Talks, Parasite Summit 2017: Interview Dr. Raj Bannerjee
10. Johannes Dönges: „Parasitologie – With special consideration of human pathogenic forms"
11. Christian Nordqvist: What’s to know about parasites?, veröffentlicht im Medical News Today 16. Februar 2018
12. Parvaiz Anwar Rather and Iffat Hassan: Human Demodex Mite: The Versatile Mite of Dermatological Importance
13. Xiaohui Luo, MD, Jing Li, MD, Chuan Chen, MD, Scheffer Tseng, MD, PhD, Lingyi Liang, MD, PhD*: Ocular Demodicosis as a Potential Cause of Ocular Surface Inflammation, 2017
14. Acta Parasitology, 2016: Ocular symptoms reported by patients infested with Demodex mites
15. Parvaiz Anwar Rather und Iffat Hassan: Human Demodex Mite: The Versatile Mite of Dermatological Importance

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