

Autor:Jan Wellermann Jan Wellermann (Medical journalist)
Last updated:24.08.2021

Almost everyone has heard of “parasites” by now. It is also already well known that they destroy our health and control our behavior.

What are parasites?

Definition: A parasite is an organism that feeds on other living beings (host) or attacks them for reproductive purposes. It can damage the host by impairing its organ functions, destroying cells and depriving it of important nutrients.
The infestation is usually not fatal because the parasite has a comfortable home in its host.

Who does it affect?

After all my experience, I am completely convinced that they live in each of us and trigger different pathogenic states in us. And not only in the tropics, but also in Germany.

We ingest many thousands of parasite eggs in our body every day through the air, food and water. Eggs can often be detected in dairy products, meat, fish (especially raw) as well as raw vegetables and fruit . Mainly, however, the eggs enter the human organism through tap water . You can find more details about this in my article on Parasites in the body .

After cleaning in the waterworks, the water must pass through the supply pipes to the household and there are tons of parasite eggs that connect with the water . So most of the parasite eggs are in the water. It is therefore advisable to distill the tap water before using it. The place of life is first of all our intestines and from there different organs are attacked. This can be the heart, lungs, liver or even the brain.

Parasites occur as worms, but also as protozoa, bacteria, fungi or viruses.

Do I have parasites?

The symptoms of a parasite infestation can be very different.

Therefore, as follows, some characteristics, such as trigger parasite symptoms :

  • You are unable, or only temporarily, to maintain a healthy diet
  • Strong cravings for unhealthy food, especially in the evening
  • Flat stomach (all in the evening)
  • Cramps (especially in the evening and in the legs)
  • Stress
  • Feeling of external control and loss of control
  • Tingling in various parts of the body, such as under the skin or on the anus
  • Skin problems
  • Sleep problems
  • Muscle tension
  • chronic fatigue
  • “Fog in the brain” / subdued feeling
  • little happiness
  • Absent-mindedness / lack of concentration
  • Bad memory

There is no reliable parasite test or examination. They cannot be detected in the blood count, for example. The only valid test: Parasites can be detected in the blood using a dark field microscope.

Who can help me with an infestation?

Our cure was created on the basis of the current scientific status. In addition, it is constantly updated to reflect current knowledge.
Recommended experts are HP Baklayan, Dr. Kalcker or Dr. Klinghardt.
Of course, you can also go to another specialized doctor or alternative practitioner. A parasitologist or other specialist may also be able to help.

What does this organism look like, what is it exactly?

What do parasites look like? You can find enough pictures of parasites on Google Images. These can look quite inconspicuous, such as the Toxoplasma Gondii or really creepy, like a tapeworm. There are also many disgusting pictures and videos of people who are or have been heavily parasitized on the Internet. We found a worm with a length of 1/2 meter in the chair of a test person .

Are there any deadly variants?

Yes – but very rarely do they lead to death. They are basically not killers, as they feel very comfortable in the host.

How do they multiply?

The organisms lay up to 20,000 eggs in the human body within 10 minutes. The increase is therefore rapid.

Are there any blood-sucking species?

Yes – with our cures we very often discover dead parasites in the stool that have soaked up with human blood.

Do you influence the host's behavior?

Yes! It starts, of course, with the choice of food. If you are parasitic, you do not make this decision alone, as there are entities who eat with and therefore also decide what kind of food the host consumes.
They also love to cause us stress. Stress over-acidifies our body and causes a lack of oxygen – exactly the environment that is optimal.

Different types - which ones are there?

First of all, a distinction is made between ectoparasites and endoparasites. The latter live inside the body and the former on the host’s body.

Endoparasites are, for example, unicellular species (protozoa, protozoa), such as Kinetoplastida, Trichomonada or Diplomonadida.

There are also many different genera of flatworms, roundworms, string worms, annelid worms or tongue worms. The best way to distinguish between them is on a corresponding overview.

There are also parasites that belong to the order of arachnids. There are also less well-known organisms, such as Morgellons. These fungi can also take the form of arachnids and other insects, but also rats and fetuses.

Can an anti-parasite cure cure malaria?

Malaria is caused by the dangerous, single-celled parasite Plasmodium falciparum and it is actually possible to achieve success in combating malaria with parasite cures.

How is a good anti-parasite regimen set up?

It is important to ensure that not too many worm poisons are released at once. That is why the worms or parasites in the intestine should be worked on first and the general ability to detoxify must gain momentum.

Which diseases are caused by parasites?

Which diseases are caused by parasites?

HP Alan E. Baklayan was able to prove that they play a major role in allergies, immune deficiency, cancer, Parkinson’s, epilepsy, depression, digestive diseases, addictions, asthma or neurodermatitis, among others. There is an endless list of diseases. Often the cause of these diseases is not found and most doctors do not think about parasites.

What works against them?

There are various herbal means against parasites, which according to leading parasite doctors, but only in the correct complex in the right order and in the right combination, have sufficient effect to effectively combat the pests throughout the body. The online parasite cure is the strongest parasite cure I know.

Which documentation is recommended?

Quarks and Co. have published a good documentary called “Parasites – The Weird Opponents”.

Is there a movie?

Films like “Viral” or “Alien” are of course greatly exaggerated, but their form shows what the organisms are capable of.

Are the organisms contagious?

Yes – they definitely do a change of host. For example through the body fluids, but also through the air.

Is a parasite cure just a temporary fight against parasites?

No – a good anti-parasite cure always includes a program that ensures that the pests do not develop again.

Can children be affected?

Yes – children can also be parasitic. Many are only familiar with pinworms, but there are many more species such as worms that are not that easy to spot and that are not so obvious in children.

Is there an evolution and intracellular organisms?

Like all beings in biology, there is also an adaptation on the part of these organisms. They often specialize in a particular species and perfect their way there. The Toxoplasma Gondii, for example, attacks mice, switches off the fear center, allows the cat to eat it, is excreted by the cat and thus attacks humans.

Intracellular Organisms? Yes, there are – this phenomenon is known from so-called “metabolic parasites”. They are dependent on essential host molecules and therefore could not grow extracellularly. In principle, cancer is nothing more than an intracellular parasite.