Parasites: symptoms in humans

Autor:Jan Wellermann Jan Wellermann (Medical journalist)
Last updated:01.09.2021
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  • Parasites: symptoms in humans

Dear reader,

a parasite infestation is an acute health problem . More and more people in the western world are affected. Unfortunately, the health system has not yet been able to adapt to this increasing challenge and Parasitic diseases are rarely diagnosed .

A fast and safe way to test from home whether parasites could trigger symptoms in you is the parasite test . It was developed by our specialized doctors together with programmers .

In a few minutes you will receive a reliable assessment of whether there is a parasite infestation and which organs could be affected.

Like all services of our non-profit association, the parasite test is donation-financed and therefore free of charge for you:

Many people not only harbor one genus of parasites, but also suffer from systemic parasite infestation . This means that multiple organs are infected with different types of parasites . In this article we present the main symptoms of a systemic infestation.

We also clarify the symptoms of individual parasites in humans, such as tapeworm , fox tapeworm, fish tapeworm, dog tapeworm, hookworm , roundworms (e.g. pinworms or roundworms), giardia , entamoeba, lamblia, trichinae or coccidia.

Parasites: all symptoms at a glance –
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Look at you here the entire Parasite Academy free of charge.

Systemic parasite infestation: the symptoms

In the association we register that parasites have spread to a growing number of people. We have thoroughly investigated the reasons for this:

Limited function of the immune system , e.g. due to an increased load of radiation [1]
Leaky Gut Syndrome , including alien diets of humans [2] . With this clinical picture, the intestine becomes permeable for foreign substances such as bacteria or parasites [3] . This is how parasites get into the bloodstream and can infect all organs of the body [4] . For this reason, there are increasing cases of tapeworm in the brain [5] or Pinworms in multiple internal organs [6] known.

Pinworm in the blood and tapeworm in the brain

Lack of energy

Chronische Erschöpfung, ein Gefühl der dauernden Müdigkeit (Fatigue-Syndrom) und Antriebslosigkeit gehören zu den Hauptsymptomen eines systemischen Parasitenbefalls. Parasiten zehren den Menschen aus. Sie rauben dem Körper wichtige Nährstoffe [7] sowie molekularen Sauerstoff. Beides ist essentiell für die Energiegewinnung des Körpers [8]. Außerdem geben sie Gifte, z.B. Schwermetalle, in den Organismus ab [9]. Diese Schwermetalle inhibieren Enzyme, was in einem gedrosselten Stoffwechsel und letztlich einem Energiemangel mündet [10]. Des Weiteren fressen Parasiten positive Darmbakterien [11]. Eine daraus resultierende gestörte Darmhomöostase führt zu einem Gefühl der Abgeschlagenheit [12].


The desire for sweet or unhealthy , especially in the evening or if nothing has been eaten for a long time , can be induced by parasitic life forms in the body [13].Excessive hunger can also be an indication of a parasitic infestation. The reason for this is that parasites are unable to search for food on their own. Therefore, they manipulate the host to make the nutritional decisions that are conducive to his continued existence [14]. By influencing hormones such as dopamine, ghrelin, PYY or insulin hormone , parasites overcome the willpower of humans [15].

Bloated stomach

Parasites can cause a bloated stomach , or for flatulence , be responsible [16] . This manifests itself in the times when parasites are particularly metabolically active, in the evening and after eating . As part of their metabolic activity, parasites produce gases that accumulate in the intestine [17]. This is not just a cosmetic problem. The gases contain toxic sulfur compounds , which can damage the intestinal wall in the long term [18].

Mental impairments

Parasites in the body have an enormous influence on the psyche of humans [19]. In doing so, they can trigger different states [20]:
Mood swings
Depressive moods / low spirits / depression
Stress / feeling of being stressed
– Inner unrest
Inner dissatisfaction
Aggression / irritability
Anxiety / panic attacks
Fog in your head / feeling like being wrapped in cotton wool
numbness / lack of emotion
Bad memory
Low attention span
– Low sex drive
To feel like “not master of himself”
– and much more

Depression: Parasites Unnoticed Triggers –
An exclusive information video from the Swiss Parasite Free Association –
Look at you hier the entire Parasite Academy free of charge.

The parasites change the mental perception and the feelings of the human being, because they bring the hormone system into imbalance . This is why parasitic conditions are often changeable and individual . For example, parasites can reduce the perception of risk in some people and trigger anxiety in others. The form of the action depends on the locality and metabolic activity of the parasites as well as the predisposition of the host.

sleep disorders

Since parasites are active in the evening and at night , they can cause sleep disorders [21]. Some people notice that they can fall asleep poorly, wake up at night (often between 1 and 3 a.m.), or sleep restlessly . However, many people only find that they wake up unrestrained in the morning. Lively parasites can prevent the brain from switching to the delta state, i.e. the deep sleep phase, at night [22]. Parasites are particularly active on and around the full moon [23]. If you sleep poorly on these nights, a parasitic cause is likely.

Weight problems

Some parasites, for example the tapeworm, devour the body to such an extent that it can lead to weight loss, up to underweight [24]. In this case, the person concerned does not manage to gain weight.

However, the majority of parasites in the human body cause obesity , or a condition in which the person concerned cannot (or can hardly) lose weight. The reason for this is that these parasites only eat a few macronutrients (fat, carbohydrates, proteins), but instead force the body to gain weight through various mechanisms:
Hormone changes and poisoning can inhibit the performance of the metabolism [25].
Excessive appetite , especially for high-energy food, can be promoted by parasites [26].
– Parasites eat micronutrients (e.g. magnesium, iron, iodine) [27]. This leads to a further reduction in metabolism and a increased feeling of hunger [28]. Furthermore, the level of activity drops significantly due to an intracellular deficiency of iron and iodine [29].

Unsurprisingly, then, that many people only experience weight loss through a parasite cure.

Bad complexion

By hormone and immune changes , parasites can negatively affect the skin appearance [30]. From (temporarily) dry skin, to oily skin , to pimples , to acne . Skin diseases such as neurodermatitis or psoriasis can also be triggered by parasites [31]. It is very typical that the skin problems can only occur in phases , so they sometimes get better and sometimes worse. Parasites also influence the quality of the skin by changing the intestinal environment . Parasites eat good intestinal bacteria and this results in the fact that rampant bad intestinal bacteria trigger symptoms, such as a bad complexion. Furthermore, parasites secrete toxins , such as heavy metals , which can indirectly lead to skin problems. The skin is the largest organ of detoxification. The body tries to get the toxins out through the skin. Pimples can develop.


By releasing toxins in the intestine, parasites can trigger a wide variety of complaints of the gastrointestinal tract [32]:
– indigestion
– flatulence
– diarrhea and / or constipation (alternating if necessary)
– feeling of pressure in the stomach
– feeling of fullness
– Regular abdominal pain
– irritable bowel syndrome
– possibly “child movements”

More symptoms

In addition to the main symptoms mentioned, there are many other symptoms that can indicate a parasitic infestation.

Other common, unspecific symptoms of parasite infestation [33]:
Tired look
Dark circles
Anus itch
Pale skin
Coated tongue
Mucus (throat, nose, paranasal sinuses)
headache / migraine
Rapid freezing / feeling of inner cold
Feeling weak / muscle weakness
– Tension / muscle and joint pain / muscle cramps
– Signs of immunodeficiency (e.g. chronic or recurrent colds )
Bad breath
– and much more

Parasites can cause tired looks

A complete list, including the pathogenesis, can be found here:

It is important to note that parasites are a can trigger a wide range of complaints . For example, some people can trigger hot flashes and others a feeling of internal cold . Not only individual symptoms are decisive, but above all the symptom complex .

To determine this, the Swiss Parasite Free Association has one Parasite test developed. With this free test you can get an assessment within a few minutes whether you are infected with parasites and which organs are affected .

Symptoms of single parasites

In the association we receive daily questions about the symptoms of various parasites . Our parasite expert Kira Tau answers the most frequently asked questions in this interview.

Julia Herbst, spokeswoman, parasite-free Swiss association : Dear Kira, thank you very much for taking the time to answer the most important questions regarding the symptoms of parasites in humans.

Kira Tau, volunteer consultant, parasite-free Swiss Club : Not for that. Through my activity as a consultant, I know how important it is to educate people on the subject. Feel free to ask me any questions.

Symptoms: tapeworm

JH: Which symptoms do tapeworms, such as fox tapeworm, dog tapeworm, fish tapeworm or beef tapeworm, cause in humans?

KT: This is very treacherous . For many years, and often decades, the tapeworm usually causes only unspecific symptoms . This does not mean that it does not cause harm to the body. The tapeworm sits in the small intestine , directly under the gatekeeper . The entire food pulp now first goes through the organism of the tapeworm . A study from 1985 showed that a single tapeworm can remove up to 87% of all nutrients from the pulp [34 . In addition, tapeworms excrete toxic metabolic end products , which put a strain on the intestines and other organs. Severe symptoms such as severe weight loss , nausea , stomach pain or severe loss of performance only appear after the tapeworm has been around for a long time lives in the body of the person concerned. Tapeworms are widespread in western countries, especially among women . Since they can adapt perfectly to the intestinal wall and only live in the small intestine, where a colonoscopy does not reach, they are undiagnosed in 99% of cases .

Symptoms: pinworms

JH: Which symptoms do pinworms (oxyurs) cause in humans?

KT: In the case of pinworms, between Symptoms can be distinguished from intestinal parasites in adults and worms in children . Unfortunately, pinworm infestation in childhood is usually inadequately treated. In such a case, the intestinal worms withdraw into the biofilm ( learn more ) and enter the bloodstream.

So many adults are affected without even realizing it the pinworms no longer trigger any clear symptoms ( find out more ).

On the subject of pinworms , the association has written a specialist article that is worth reading, in which all information on the subject is conveyed :

In children, the symptoms of the maggot-like worms in the intestine are obvious: worms in the stool and pruritus ani (itchy perianal area, itchy anus, or . Itching on the bottom). In the case of severe infestation, malaise , weight loss , physical weakness , abdominal pain and loss of appetite occur.

A drug solution cannot be successful in treating pinworms . We explained that excellently in our corresponding technical article :

J.H .: Thank you Kira, I think the symptoms of worm infestation in humans have now been clarified. There is one more question that I am repeatedly asked: Is worm disease widespread ?

K.T .: That is a question of definition. Not everyone with worms is manifestly ill . But most people have worms in them. Take, for example, the rope worm, which has spread rapidly over the past 10 years ( more experienced ). Parasitosis is usually accompanied by without symptoms until suddenly symptoms occur, which can then only rarely be attributed to aetiology.

Symptoms: Giardia / Coccidia

J.H .: Very often I get the question about the symptoms of giardia in humans, or giardiasis or coccidia. Can you tell us something about that, Kira?

K.T .: The infection of humans with Giardia (Giardia Lamblia) mostly takes place via the cat or the dog . Besides tap water, pets are among the main sources of infection with parasites.

Giardiasis is often unnoticed because it only causes unspecific symptoms . For example, bloating , flatulence , fatigue and possibly belching and diarrhea . Serious symptoms only appear when the giardia have spread massively in the small intestine. This can lead to acute symptoms such as colic , abdominal cramps and nausea .

Symptoms: parasites under the skin

JH: People continue to ask for the Symptoms of parasites under the skin . Many people feel something under their skin, but how do they know that it is a parasite?

KT: Unfortunately, patients infected with parasites under the Skin reports, mostly not taken seriously by doctors. Some people really feel the parasites under their skin or even see them . As a rule, they are diagnosed by a doctor with the diagnosis of delusional dermatozoa or Ekbom syndrome. The sad thing is that these people often have a real, physical problem and are stigmatized as mentally ill.

From my experience, I would with complaints of this kind do not consult the family doctor. I had a patient who went to her doctor because she felt parasites under her skin. The result was a three month stay in psychiatry . Only when she admitted to not feeling any more parasites was she released. After a parasite treatment , the complaints resolved.

Parasites under the skin, such as Morgellons , are a real health problem and that has now been scientifically proven ( more experienced ).

The symptoms of parasites under the skin are (often in phases ) Itching . In some patients, the itching is so severe that they injure themselves when scratching. Theoretically, parasites can be located under the skin all over the body . The anal area , the back , the arms , the legs , the chest , the belly and the head . If moving gray, red or blue fibers appear when the skin is scratched, it is Morgellons.

Symptoms: parasites in the brain

JH: Since the brain parasite Toxoplasma Gondii is on everyone’s lips, always asking more people whether they have parasites in the head. Which symptoms are you aware of?

K.T .: Interesting question. With the awareness of Toxoplasma Gondii, more people have realized that parasites can live throughout the human body . In all organs . And that human parasites are diverse genotypes . The toxoplasma is a protozoa that can cause disease and symptoms.

The symptoms that can be triggered by parasites in the brain are diverse . Through the formation of cysts and the influence on hormones they even influence our behavior. Since the topic is extremely complex, I recommend reading this paragraph on the main page regarding possible symptoms :

Symptoms: parasites in the lungs

J.H .: My next question is about lung parasites . Which symptoms cause lungworms and lung fluids in humans?

K.T .: Here, too, more people are affected than is generally thought. There are some unspecific symptoms that indicate that there may be parasites in the lungs:
Bad breath , or foul-smelling breath
Mucous airways (throat, nose, paranasal sinuses)
– Chronic cough (possibly with expectoration)
– Recurrent or chronic bronchitis
Breathing problems

Symptoms: parasitosis from the tropics

J.H .: Very often I get inquiries from people who have visited a tropical country and have become sick on site. In these cases, the people affected are often afraid that they have contracted a worm infection. Are there special symptoms for parasites from the tropics ?

K.T .: No, there are no specific symptoms. Some parasites cause the host to become ill when infected and then remain in the body. So it cannot be ruled out that a person who falls ill in the tropics has contracted a parasite infestation . I have an example for this: A patient of mine was in Thailand and got sick there . She had cold symptoms and a severe rash . After a week she had cured her illness. About two months later, she began to have symptoms that indicated systemic parasite infestation . After a parasite cure, she regained her health status .

J.H .: So if you catch a disease in Thailand, for example, should you watch out for the symptoms of a systemic parasite infestation?

K.T .: Correctly concluded. When visiting tropical countries, particular attention should be paid to symptoms of amoebic dysentery (attempted by single-celled intestinal parasites): Frequent slimy, sometimes bloody diarrhea and abdominal cramps . If these symptoms occur, please consult a doctor who specializes in parasites immediately. If left untreated, the unicellular parasites can spread throughout the body and cause severe organ damage . It can lead to liver failure and intestinal paralysis .

Another important tip for the tropics is not to let insects get near your eyes. I had a patient who suffered from parasitic symptoms. Upon investigation, it was found that she had a worm in her eye . I also advise against consuming ice cream or sorbet in tropical countries. In addition, fish worms are ubiquitous in the tropics. I would therefore also refrain from consuming raw fish.

Parasite Infection: What To Do?

J.H .: When people notice that they are attacked by parasites . What would you recommend ?

K.T .: From my point of view, there is only one way. And that is a holistic parasite cure that works systemically in all organs of the body. The association has published an excellent Guide to explain how such a cure should be structured and what to look out for:

1. Pathophysiology: Disturbance of the immune system by electromagnetic fields-A potentially underlying cause for cellular damage and tissue repair reduction which could lead to disease and impairment, 2009
2. Camilleri: Leaky gut: mechanisms, measurement and clinical implications in humans, 2019
3. Frontiers in Immunology: Leaky Gut As a Danger Signal for Autoimmune Diseases, 2017
4. Tissue Barriers, Helminths and intestinal barrier function, 2017
5. Lancet:Taenia solium cysticercosis, 2003
6. University Hospital Birmingham: Pinworm infection masquerading as colorectal liver metastasis, 2012
7. Progress in food and nutrition science journal: Nutritional aspects of parasitic infection, 1985
8. Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde: Rate of oxygen consumption in trematode parasites, 1958
9. Kalcker, Rivera, Humble; Parasite Identification Slides
10. Dr. Andreas Noack: Das Nährstoff-Labyrinth, Seminar
11. Trends in Parasitology: Associations between Gut Microbiota and Common Luminal Intestinal Parasites.
12. Systematic Reviews, 2018: A systematic review of enteric dysbiosis in chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis
13. The Rawtarian: Parasites causing cravings
14. Advances in the Study of Behavior, Ausgabe 41, Seite 151 – 186: Parasite Manipulation of Host Behavior, 2010
15. Daniel Z. Lieberman, Michael E. Long: Ein Hormon regiert die Welt: Wie Dopamin unser Verhalten steuert - und das Schicksal der Menschheit bestimmt
16. Ann Louise Gittleman Ph.D.: Guess What Came to Dinner?: Parasites and Your Health, Kapitel 2: The warning signs of parasites, 2001
17. Ann Louise Gittleman Ph.D.: Guess What Came to Dinner?: Parasites and Your Health, Kapitel 2: The warning signs of parasites, 2001
18. Journal of Toxicology: Sulfurous Gases As Biological Messengers and Toxins: Comparative Genetics of Their Metabolism in Model Organisms, 2011
19. Gazette Medicale de France: Intestinal parasitosis and psychic disorders, 1954
21. Pteridin: Toxoplasma gondii IgG associations with sleep-wake problems sleep duration and timing, 2019
22. Pteridin: Toxoplasma gondii IgG associations with sleep-wake problems sleep duration and timing, 2019
23. Health Talks Parasite Summit 2017: Interview Dr. Raphael D'Angelo
24. Lesh, Brady: Tapeworm (Taenia Solium, Taenia Saginata, Diphyllobothrium, Cysticercosis, Neurocysticercosis), 2019
25. journal of infectious disease: Function of the thyroid and the host-parasite relation in murine schistosomiasis mansoni, 1971
26. Ann Louise Gittleman Ph.D.: Guess What Came to Dinner?: Parasites and Your Health, Kapitel 2: The warning signs of parasites, 2001
27. Hesham, Edariah, Norhayati: Intestinal parasitic infections and micronutrient deficiency: a review.
28. Nutrition reviews: Impact of micronutrient deficiencies on obesity, 2009
29. Annual review of nutrition: The influence of iron status on iodine utilization and thyroid function, 2006
30. Varga: Skin manifestations in parasite infection, 2001
31. La revue de medicine internal: Main parasitic skin disorders, 2017
32. Katz, Taylor: Parasitic infections of the gastrointestinal tract, 2001
34. Pappas: Nutrient Uptake by Tapeworms, 1985

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