Parasiten: Symptomcheck

Dear reader,

Welcome to the Symptomcheck of the non-profit Swiss association Parasitenfrei.

More and more people suffer – mostly unknowingly – from symptoms of a parasitic origin. This represents a steadily growing challenge for our health system. Parasitic complaints are only rarely diagnosed.

That’s because
– Parasites usually only cause unspecific symptoms, which are often incorrectly assigned to them.

– They are just difficult to diagnose.
– Doctors are usually not specialized, sensitized and trained.

However, medical professionals are increasingly registering that parasites are an acute and underestimated health problem.

The parasite test

A fast and safe way to test from home whether parasites could trigger symptoms in you is the parasite test. It was developed in collaboration with our specialized doctors and programmers.

In a few minutes you will receive a reliable assessment of whether there is a parasite infestation.

Like all services of our non-profit association, the parasite test is donation-financed and therefore free of charge for you:

The main symptoms of a parasite infestation

Completely understand the topic of parasites

The Swiss Parasite Free Association is the most comprehensive information platform on the subject of “Parasites in humans” worldwide. The heart of the process is the meta-study created by our doctors.